APC Microbiome Ireland to host public event on Gut Health for Performance as part of Cork Science Festival 2018

You don’t put diesel into a petrol engine. So, whatever sport you enjoy, it is important to understand the science of nutrition to optimise your body’s performance and health. Ireland’s leading gut health institute, APC Microbiome Ireland, is hosting a public forum, Spilling the Guts on Performance, as part of Cork Science Week on November 12…

Cork Discovers – A World of Research: 40 free fun events took place around Cork City to the delight of hundreds

Arlene Vithaldas, CEO UCC Academy and Prof. Anita R. Maguire, Vice President for Research and Innovation, UCC, Cork City Council Mr Denis Barrett and Deputy Lord Mayor, Cork City Council Cllr. Paudie Dineen. Cork Discovers – A World of Research took place Friday evening in glorious sunshine to the delight to hundreds of kids of…

Tyndall National Institute secures record €7 million in Horizon 2020 funding

As one of Europe’s leading research centres and Ireland’s national institute for high-tech hardware, Tyndall has been awarded over €7 million for research projects in the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. Tyndall secured €5.4 million in its own right and facilitated a further €1.83 million for five Irish partner companies in eight EU-wide technology innovation projects. This is…

PHOTOS: Cork’s Technology Network Breakfast Briefing on Industrial Artificial Intelligence

Tim Horgan, Head of Computer Science CIT with  Deirdre Bevan, Accenture Digital and Oonagh O’Shea, Senior Manager at Accenture Digital, pictured using assisted reality headsets, discussed their impact on the future of the manufacturing sector at the CEIA, Cork’s Technology Network Breakfast Briefing on Industrial Artificial Intelligence. Photos: Gerard McCarthy Photography [envira-gallery id=”21177″]

IP Telecom CEO Shena Brien speaks at iWish Executive Breakfast, encouraging young women to choose careers in STEM

Shena Brien has been the CEO of IP Telecom since 2016. “I established the company in 2010 with some like-minded colleagues and until my appointment as CEO, my primary responsibility within the company was with the customer operations side of the business, including implementation and support. “However my background is in electronic engineering, rather than…