Here are five reasons why simply entering an awards programme could be good for your business.



Free marketing

Business awards can be an overlooked tool in your marketing plan, for a variety of reasons but did you know just being nominated can improve brand awareness and promote your business to new customers. By their own nature, awards come with lots of public publicity. There will be very many occasions for you or your business to be showcased in the media.

Some ideas to maximise PR exposure with awards are: 

Update your marketing materials with the award or nominee logo including website, social media, literature, email signatures and sales material.

Send your customers a text or newsletter sharing the good news. 

Place some nominee or award certificates in the reception of your business 

Get your team to make some noise about it to your clients. 

Awards celebrate hard work and success and are great PR opportunities. It’s fantastic to be recognised so it’s important to make sure that people know what your business has achieved. You will be able to meet new people who might end up being part of your business ecosystem.Attending a Cork Business award can open doors to getting some well deserved recognition and superb networking on the night.



Levelling Up  

Partaking in the Cork Business Awards can often force you to look at your business from a different perspective and compare yourself to your competitors. You’ll need to make sure that you are the best in the business whether that’s through innovation, diversity, growth, customer service, investment in people and strategic thinking. This will help you think about ways you could be doing things better and identify areas for improvement. 

Increased credibility

A business award win, short-listing or nomination can act as a 3rd party endorsement for your business.  We all look at reviews before we decide to buy. A win can give a seal of approval to you and is a sign of quality for potential customers, so it can form part of your sales pitch. It can also help with relationships with suppliers. It’s a great way of setting your company apart from competitors. At the end of the day, aren’t all companies—whether on the buy-side or sell-side—seeking leadership in their industry? Overall we get incredible feedback from Businesses that partake. 



Employee motivation

Awards recognise the hard work and achievements of your employees so winning one can help boost staff morale and improve motivation. Employees are focused on what’s great about the company they work for and can feel proud to be a part of it. Appreciating your employees is a powerful thing. It shows that your business cares and you are interested in the welfare of your team.Staff could be invited to the awards ceremony too which can yield networking opportunities as well as being a great night out. We have numerous team categories. 



Attract the best talent

Business awards corroborate your hiring stature among new recruits. By pitching yourself as the #BESTINCORK  you can attract the people you need to drive your business forward. Increased employee morale will also help attract and retain new recruits. People love to be part of an award winning team.

Interested in celebrating your company’s achievements? Nominate your team, or your individual hero, by emailing