Paul O’Donovan on being in control of his own destiny in business as an entrepreneur

Partnering with Paul O’Donovan & Associates allows you time to focus on your business, while they provide the accountancy solutions. Whatever stage in business you are at, they can help. They are a progressive accountancy practice with a broad base clientele ranging from individuals, sole traders, partnerships, to limited companies, providing a comprehensive range of…

Fitzgerald & Partners Business Centre can provide bookkeeping services tailored to suit your specific business needs

All businesses are required to keep accurate records for both taxation and VAT purposes. Good bookkeeping practices also benefit any business by helping you manage and control your finances, plan for future growth and ensure that your accounts are completed more efficiently. Fitzgerald & Partners Business Centre in Kinsale deals with all aspects of outsourcing this…

Fitzgerald & Partners target West Cork growth with SME outsource service

CPA firm, Fitzgerald & Partners, are more traditionally known as a successful accountancy practice based in Kinsale, specialising in tax planning, auditing, management accounting and a general business advisory service. However, it is the fairly recent development of their Outsourcing Business Centre that is proving popular with SMEs across the West Cork region, as it…