Business Cork celebrates its 30th anniversary this year and in that time has transformed itself from a traditional magazine publisher to the leading business news site operator for the 45,000 Cork businesses and the 265,000 people that work in them as well as for the 10m people that are part of the Cork Diaspora in 200 countries globally. In expanding its offering of its digital news site model it is now investing €250,000 in the roll out of 50 associated business news sites for 50 towns around Cork.
The Publisher of Business Cork, Michael Mulcahy said “it is great to see the positivity and vibrancy that has re-emerged in business throughout Cork City and County after the recessionary years and in starting out with a business magazine in 1989, we hoped that Cork would progress as it has. We have transitioned Business Cork into a fully digital model that promotes the positives of investing in Cork and doing business with Cork businesses and now we want to expand our offering to 50 towns and areas of Cork City and County with their own dedicated news sites. Business Kinsale, Business Bantry, Business Youghal, Business Blackpool, Business Charleville and so many other areas will have this new services rolled out for them over the next three months. We are investing €250,000 in our 50 centres across our city and county and at a cost of just €5,000 per centre it is a very low cost for such important areas. Our aim is that each of these 50 areas will now have their own dedicated business news site through that identifies their great strengths and that can be fully utilised to promote the area for inward investment, local growth and so much more. We will work with all business groups and businesses in all areas to promote all that is positive about these areas and under the model it will ensure promotion on a local to global basis.