Here’s a fact: the things we pay attention to grow. Apply that principle widely in your life and watch the abundance flourish. Focus that attention on goals – big or small – and you are taking a step in the direction of creating wellness of mind and body.
You know the sort of person who leaps out of the bed in the morning full of excitement about the day that lies ahead? That person has a goal. This creates excitement in the mind and the body responds with energy and vitality.
So far so good. But if we get hung up on one particular goal and if it fails or no longer serves a purpose in our lives then we run into difficulty. That’s because the river of life does not flow in just one channel. We need to feed many healthy streams into it.
In the pursuit of these many and varied goals the best approach you can practise is one that comes from a quiet place in the mind, a place of near-serenity, a non-frantic base. You may already know people who exude this calmness. It’s a joy to be in their company and generally they are patient and full of understanding of life’s challenges.
You probably know the opposite type as well. The folk who spend most of their time running around like blue-arsed flies, whose frenetic energy is palpable as soon as they enter a room. They burn out and their ‘goals’ go with them. They can also drain us in the process. I call them vampires of energy.
The calmness that the former group practises is invaluable because it is the best foundation for creating wellbeing and wellness. Finding that place should be your main goal.
Our real nature, our natural intelligence, cannot develop if we do not pay attention to it.
So, get that attention moving at a steady pace. Then self-awareness will grow and bring a sense of calm to the mind, which the body will appreciate by being more relaxed and steady. Just like you would feel after a massage. Because that’s really what self-awareness is – a massage for the mind.
Bibi Baskin is a wellness/motivational speaker, who currently lives in Cork.